Trasporto moto e bici da Milano e Bergamo. Spedizione moto all'estero


From 250 Euro
Do you want to enjoy your motorbike abroad without the costs and the hassle of the transfer?
We help you to move it to any destination across Europe with very competitive prices and a flawless service thanks to our road transportation network!
You will travel comfortably, your passenger and you will not get tired, you can also entrust us with your personal belongings, thus saving costs and energies.

The service is offered for all types of motorbikes, from scooters to vintage motorbikes and for bicycles too.
Motorbikes’ prices from 250 euro to France, 270 euro to Germany, 290 euro to Spain. Bike’ prices from Euro 80.

Which destinations are available?

From Dalmine (BG), Campogalliano(MO), Brendola(VI) and Cisterna di Latina(LT), we will move your motorbike to Spain, Portugal, France, Greece, Germany, Belgium, Nederland, Irland, Romain, Poland, Denmark.
Available both one-way and round trip solutions.
If you want to travel to other Countries or across Italy, just tell us and fill in the ‘Notes’-field in the form below: we will contact you to find a solution together.
A discount for large groups is also available.

How is the transportation actually carried out?

Camion e furgoni per il trasporto moto e bici sono di proprietà. Nessun noleggio. Camion e furgoni per il trasporto moto e bici sono di proprietà. Nessun noleggio.
Your motorbike is placed in a special cage whose dimensions are 80 x 230 x 125 cm. It will be protected by tailor-made airbags, designed by us, and loaded onto the truck that will take it to destination. Customized solutions are available for motorbikes of larger dimensions and bicycles.
The service is carried out by our internal staff. If you wish, you can attend while our staff fasten your motorbike, to check the quality of the service.

How should I organize myself?

If you travel by plane,you will arrive earlier than our truck and there is nothing we can do about it.
If you want to find your motorbike on site at your arrival, we ask you to bring it to us at least 5 working days before your flight: for example, if you leave on Monday, you have to entrust us your motorbike the previous Monday, unless there is one or more holidays* in between.
On the contrary, if you are not in a hurry at your arrival, you can bring it to us just before leaving and organize its collection by our foreign premises when you want. We will find together the best solution to meet your needs.
In any case, you can leave your motorbike in our storage area up to 7 days for free!

We want to make the collection of your motorbike as easy as possible, so we will provide you with information and assistance on how to reach our foreign premises by public transport or taxi.

* 1st January, 25th April, 1st May, 2nd June, 15th August, 1st November, 25th, 26th and 31st December.
I’m interested, what shall I do?
For more information just fill in the form below or call, without commitment, our Sales Department on +39 035 6229000.
Information under Article 13 of the Italian Decree. 196/03
This information describes, pursuant to the Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 on the protection of personal data (called "Code"), the terms and purpose of management of the data provided by the website users. It is made in compliance with art. 13 of the Code and in consideration of the Recommendation 2/2001 on the minimum requirements for the collection of data online in the European Union, adopted on 17th May by the EC-Group for the Protection of Individuals with regard to the processing of personal data for all those who access the site. All what is carried out in this statement, except where otherwise indicated, it is made only for the site. Owners, managers and authors of the site are not liable for the content of third-party websites directly or indirectly connected to the site, even by links.

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The Person in charge of handling the data is Valsped Group S.p.A., based in Via E. Baschenis, 11 - 24044 Dalmine (BG) Italy, capitale sociale euro 1.000.000 i.v., R.E.A. BG-280831. The process of handling the data will be performed by employees of the company or by collaborators and consultants still operating in the same, as persons in charge of the processing data. One has the right to update, modify or cancel his / her data by writing to the following email address:

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The user has the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of the data and to know their content and origin, the purposes and methods of treatment and, in case of processing with electronic instruments, the logic applied to processing and has the right at any time to verify its accuracy or to request its integration, update or correction (art. 7 of the Legislative Decree. n. 196/2003). According to the same article, the user has the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous or block of data processed in violation of the law, and oppose for legitimate reasons to their treatment. The processing of personal data will be tight to and be governed by the Italian law (Legislative Decree. N. 196/2003). The rights of the user can be exercised by sending a written communication to Valsped Group S.p.A., based in Via E. Baschenis, 11 - 24044 Dalmine (BG) Italy or by e-mailing to

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